Repeat Prescriptions

Repeat Prescription


Repeat prescriptions may be generated by any member of staff but require authorisation by Doctors and or their locum doctor.

Patients with chronic conditions, receiving repeat prescriptions will be reviewed every 3-6 months [depending on the drug prescribed and/or condition], or after one repeat of prescriptions has been generated. This time period will be clearly stated in the patient’s notes.

Patients on
long-term medication

Patients on long-term medication can order repeat prescriptions in a number of ways:

  • Online: Using Manage My health website/app
  • By Phone: 07 8287056
  • By Email:
  • By Hand: drop your repeat slip [from your pharmacy] in at reception with the required items clearly marked.

Requests are not accepted from partners, family members or friends, unless under special circumstances, with a prior arrangement /signed authority.

Medication Reviews

If a patient is overdue for a review and requests a repeat prescription, the following action will be taken: the patient will be asked to make an appointment before a new prescription will be signed, or the patient will be issued with a repeat prescription for a month only.

Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see either a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications depending on medical conditions.

Please allow at least one full working day between requesting and collecting your medication [from the chemist] taking into account weekends and public holidays. Note that not all doctors work everyday.

You can arrange for the script to be send to a pharmacy of your choice.